
October 16, 2019
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Purple cauliflower at the farmers market
Purple cauliflower at the farmers market

What is it? A vegetable with an edible head, usually white, but sometimes orange, purple or green. Romanesco is a beautiful variation with lime-green pointed, spiraled pinnacles.
What it tastes like: Crunchy, mild and a little nutty.
When you can find it: Cauliflower grows in winter and spring in South Florida.
How to use and store: Wrap in plastic and store in the fridge. Use within a few days. cooking tips: Add raw florets to salads. Roast whole with garlic, seasonings and olive oil. Cut into “steaks,” sprinkle with Indian spices and a little vegetable oil and roast. Cauliflower can be boiled and pureed like mashed potatoes, and even turned into a pizza crust.