Matzah and Flour Recipes in the Sephardic History

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Join us for an enlightening lecture on Sephardic Foods: Matzah and Flour Recipes in Sephardic History with Dr. Hélène Jawhara Piñer. Her new cookbook, Matzah and Flour: Recipes from the History of the Sephardic Jews, offers a tantalizing exploration of the central role of matzah and flour in Sephardic cuisine. Journey through centuries of tradition as flour, from various grains like chickpea, corn, and barley, intertwines with cultural narratives and religious observance. Delve into the symbolism of matzah, from its origins in the Exodus story to its embodiment of resilience and identity. In this lecture, Dr. Piñer will dive into the rich culinary traditions of the Sephardic community and explore the historical significance of matzah and flour recipes. Discover how these foods have shaped cultural identity and resilience throughout the centuries, watch her cooking demonstration, and enjoy her tasty creations. This is the first time Matzah and Flour: Recipes from the History of the Sephardic Jews is being presented at an in-person event, and copies will be available for purchase.

Date: October 27, 2024 2:00 PM-4:00 PM

Location: Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU | 301 Washington Avenue , Miami Beach, FL 33139



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301 Washington Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139