Gables Foundation Awards Scholarships
The Coral Gables Community Foundation recently awarded nearly $80,000 in college scholarships to 16 high school seniors, including two for culinary arts. Receiving the Culinary Arts Scholarships ($4,000each) were Norlan Rivas (Culinary Institute at Miami-Dade College) and Joe Matos (Culinary Institute of Miami-Dade College). The Foundation, their donors and the scholarship recipients celebrated at the annual Scholarship Reception hosted jointly with the City of Coral Gables at the Coral Gables Museum. On hand to present the awards were Miami-Dade Public Schools School Board member Mari Tere Rojas, Coral Gablescity commissioners Vince Lago and Mike Mena, former Coral Gables mayor Dorothy Thomson, Foundation chairman Jack Lowell, Four-Year Scholarship Chair Matthew Meehan and executive director Mary Snow.
“We are so proud to award these 16 students with college scholarships. They have excelled academically andshown outstanding service to their community,” says Snow, “The generosity of our fund holders, donors and supporters throughout the year make
this possible.”
For more information on the Coral Gables Community Foundation, visit