Local Artist Celebrates Miami with Captain Morgan

October 10, 2020
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Brandy Swope
Brandy Swope

Miami artist Brandy Swope is representing the community in a big way. She was chosen as one of a group of talented artists to celebrate the launch of Captain Morgan Sliced Apple Spiced Rum in communities across the country by creating a mural that honors each home city’s diverse flavors, people, art and sounds.

Swope’s colorful mural, located off Lincoln Road at 17th Street and Convention Center Drive, features a backdrop of huge letters spelling out MIAMI with figures dancing, posing and playing music, all representative of what she sees as Miami’s festive vibe, plus Captain Morgan Sliced Apple Rum splashing around.

It represents “how we all come together, community dance and music and our beautiful culture and food,” says Swope, who grew up in Pennsylvania and moved to Miami 10 years ago. “I love it here,” she says. “I call it home.”

This isn’t her first piece in South Florida. Swope, who has an affinity for type and letter, also has work featured in Wynwood, Boca Raton and West Palm Beach. Her Captain Morgan mural will be on display for six months. See more of her work here.