Blackie’s Best Gourmet Pepper Sauce

Last Updated May 06, 2017
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Blackie's Best Hot Sauce

Blackie's Best Hot Sauce

In the 1990s, Ron “Blackie” Blackburn wondered why hot sauces didn’t taste like the chile peppers he was growing in his garden, so he developed his own recipe. Today, nearly all of the peppers used in his sauces come from South Florida farms, including V&B and Pine Island Tomato Farms. “There are more chile peppers in each bottle of Blackie’s than in any other sauce on the market,” Blackburn says, including the Long Hot cayenne chiles he uses in the red ripe form. Find them at Robert Is Here, Norman Brothers Produce, Golden Rule, Delaware Chicken Farm and Seafood Market and Captain’s Tavern and other businesses, or buy online.