Zero Waste Cooking

Last Updated July 12, 2020
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How to use peels, roots before they end up in the compost heap
How to use peels, roots before they end up in the compost heap

Why throw anything away? Here’s how to use every part of your food before it ends up in the compost bin.

Zero Waste Cooking: Broccoli, Carrot, Onions

Carrot Tops Combine with garlic, pine nuts or salted sunflower seeds, extra-virgin olive oil, sea salt and pepper and blend until pureed....

Zero Waste Cooking: Bread

Rustic bread loaf from Sullivan Street Bakery
Rustic breads, especially sourdoughs like this Pugliese loaf from Sullivan Street Bakery, are full of flavor even as they dry out. Bread...

Zero Waste Cooking: Pineapple

Instead of buying expensive chunks, buy a whole ripe pineapple and use every part. Pineapple leaves Twist off the green top and pull off...

Zero Waste Cooking: Chicken

Buy a whole chicken instead of parts. You can get two or three meals out of it. Sauteed Chicken Livers Melt 1 tablespoon butter in small...