
October 15, 2019
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What are they? Peppers come in all sizes, shapes and flavors. Sweet peppers, like bell peppers, can be green and ripen to red, orange or yellow; hot peppers include jalapeños or serranos.
What they taste like: Sweet and mild, slightly hot or blazing hot.
When you can find them: Peppers grow in South Florida in the winter and spring. Some hot varieties grow into the summer months.
How to use and store: Wash, seed and use fresh. Freeze chopped peppers in airtight bags. cooking tips: Roast or grill sweet peppers and serve with a few drops of olive oil. Blend roasted peppers with garlic and herbs to make a puree to use as a dip, or toss with cooked pasta. Stir-fry sweet peppers with onions, add cooked brown rice and soy sauce, and stir in a beaten egg, tossing until it’s cooked.