Ready-to-Grow Gardens, Miami

Last Updated July 10, 2021
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Read-to-Grow Gardens
Read-to-Grow Gardens Photo: Dylan Terry

WHAT THEY CARRY: They grow, sell and plant tropical fruit trees and many other edible plants. These include abiu, ackee, allspice, avocado, atemoya, banana, Barbados cherry, blackberry, black sapote, breadfruit, canistel, carambola, cashew, coffee, custard apple, dragon fruit, guanabana, guava, jaboticaba, jackfruit, longan, loquat, lychee, mamey sapote, mango, mulberry, passionfruit, peach, pineapple, sapodilla, sugar apple, caimito, white sapote. Dylan also offers expert planting advice, supplies and other services.
WHERE TO BUY: At their West Dade nursery but make an appointment.
SHIPPING/DELIVERY? Yes, with $50 fee for Miami-Dade, $75 for Broward
MORE INFO: Tours are available by appointment ($50 minimum purchase commitment). Follow their Facebook and Instagram pages.

Find it

4590 SW 122nd Ave
Miami, FL 33175

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