Tiny Farm

Last Updated August 20, 2023
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Tiny Farm
Tiny Farm
Why We Love It: This small (OK, tiny) farm grows vegetables and fruits – eggplant, cucumber, tomatoes, squash, greens, cabbage, kale collards, peppers, onions and carrots and more – using regenerative practices in this South Miami-Dade plot. What makes them different is that you can choose what you want every week. They typically sell out but have a CSA waiting list.

CSA Info

Farm location: South Miami-Dade
How it works: Prepay for 20 weeks of deliveries and they’ll send you a box of fresh produce each week during the growing season Nov.-April. Your $1,000 payment becomes a credit that you can use each week and they’ll deduct the amount ordered until you use up all the credit. If you use all your credit before the 20 weeks are over, you can keep ordering and pay for your order as you go.
Dropoff/delivery: Participants can sign up for delivery to their homes for an additional $360 for the 20 weeks ($18 per delivery) or pick up at the Legion Park Farmers Market or at Mamey restaurant in Coral Gables on Saturday mornings.
CSA season: Nov.-April
When to sign up: Now (they do sell out)
Sign up here: Tiny Farm Miami
Contact information: Tiny Farm Miami

Find it

FL 33030

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