Ranches and Farms: Beef

Last Updated August 23, 2016
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White Oak Pastures in Blufton, Georgia (Photo: White Oak Pastures)

The steak on your plate may come from a ranch in Florida or the pampas of Uruguay. These ranches, farms and suppliers deal in quality beef.

Adena Ranch

Why We Love It: Unlike most farms, Adena Ranch near Ocala is a “pasture-to-plate” operation – they raise and harvest their animals, so there is no transportation stress. They raise all-natural, grass-fed and...
|15045 NW 141st Court , Williston, FL, us

Arrowhead Beef

Why We Love It: You may have seen Arrowhead Beef in your farmers market. This co-op of family farms and processors provides USDA-inspected grass-fed beef from Florida, and features Parthenais and Parthenais-...
|982 Hutchins Lane, Chipley, FL, us

Clear Creek Farm

Why We Love It: Near Ocala, Clear Creek Farm raises fullblood Wagyu cattle registered with the American Wagyu Association, humanely raised without hormones, chemicals or antibiotics. Find their beef on the menu at...
| 9501 W Hwy 326 , Ocala, FL, us

Creekstone Farms

Why We Love It: One of the bigger suppliers of beef, this Kansas-based facility’s beef is on the menu at white-tablecloth restaurants and Shake Shack burgers. Their Natural Black Angus beef program protocols...

Florida Fresh Meat Company

Why We Love It: Their Angus beef is harvested from 100-percent grass-fed cattle raised on Florida ranches, then dry-aged in their refrigerated locker for up to 28 days before being cut into roasts, steaks and burger.

Gaucho Ranch Beef

Why We Love It: Gaucho Ranch sources its grass-fed beef from a 100-year-old family farm in the pampas of Uruguay where gauchos – South American cowboys – are traditional caretakers of the animals. They offer a...
|7201 ne 4th Ave unit#101 , Miami, FL, us

Jackman Cane and Cattle Company

Why We Love It: South of Clewiston, Jackman Cane and Cattle Company has been raising cattle for three generations, most recently adding to their program Japanese Black Wagyu and Red Wagyu bulls. Jackman Florida...
|Clewiston, FL, us

Niman Ranch

Why We Love It: Originally an 110-acre ranch north of San Francisco when it began in the 1970s, Niman Ranch today supports the nation’s largest network of 725 family farmers and ranchers, the nation’s largest...

Seminole Pride Beef

Why We Love It: Florida’s Seminole Tribe manages five operations, ranking as one of the state’s top cow-calf producers. This is also the longest-lived business on the North American continent, operating since the...

Cool Runnings (formerly SOL City Farm)

Why We Love It: Sol City Farm sells grass-finished beef, soy-free pasture-raised chicken, pork, honey and eggs in their farm just west of the Turnpike. Garfield Jarrett is now owner and operator of this veteran- and...
|11825 NW 56 Street , Miami, FL, us

White Oak Pastures

Why We Love It: Five generations of the Harris family have raised cattle on this South Georgia farm, a simple operation in the late 1800s that grew over the years. After World War II, their traditional system of...
|22775 Highway 27, Bluffton, GA, us