Urban Farming Institute/Farm Share Adventure

CSA Info

Farm location: Urban Farming Institute, Oakland Park 
Offerings: Receive a biweekly CSA bag filled with hand-selected, locally grown produce, picked at the peak of their harvest. They partner with other small and local farmers and growers to help meet the needs of their subscribers.
Dropoff points: Pickup on Saturdays 12pm-2pm
CSA season: Feb.-April

Out of the Ashes

CSA Info

Neighborhood/County/City: Miami-Dade
Region for dropoff/pickup: At the farm
Location of farm: Northwest Miami-Dade
Contact information: (305) 759-0002
Open Season/months: year-round
Open hours: Contact the office

Nana's Greene CSA / Teena's Pride

CSA Info

Farm location: Homestead
Offerings: Small share (feeds 1-2), $28.50/wk; medium share (feeds 2-3) $38.50/wk and large share (feeds 3+) $47/wk; payment plans include payment in full, two payments and monthly.
Dropoff points: Pickup locations: Whole Foods Markets (Wednesday), Wolfe’s Wines Coral Gables (Thursday), Sunset Corners (Thursday), Cafe Avanti, Miami Beach (Wednesday) and the farm (Wednesday).

Little River CSA

CSA Info

Neighborhood/County/City: Little River
Region for dropoff/pickup: Saturdays at Upper East Side Farmers Marke at Legion Park, Biscayne Blvd. and 66th St. and  across the street from the Coconut Grove Metrorail station
Location of farm: North Miami, Little River
Contact information: mail (AT) littlerivercooperative (DOT) com
Open season/months: Opens in November and runs through April
Open hours: Market hours Saturdays 10am-2pm

The Fruitful Field

CSA Info

Farm location: Pompano Beach
Dropoff points: At their farm and Hollywood
Offerings: They offer three options for the CSA: weekly Garden Shares, intended for individuals or small families to enjoy during the week; Large/Family Garden Shares, 12-15 different items every week;  and Leafy Greens Shares, which includes bunches of freshly harvested leafy greens each week.
CSA season: November through April

Terra Farm

CSA Info

URL: Find on Facebook
Neighborhood/County/City: Broward
Region for CSA dropoff/pickup: Pick up at Whole Foods Market on Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale.
Location of farm: Downtown Fort Lauderdale
Contact information: 954-854-8788
CSA open Season/months: Nov.-April
Open hours: Tues. 3-7pm

Farm Fresh Miami

CSA Info

Neighborhood/County/City: Miami
Region for CSA dropoff/pickup: Broward and Miami-Dade
Location of farm: Multiple sources
CSA open Season/months: Year-round
Open hours: Varies
Contact information: info (AT) farmfreshmiami (DOT) com


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