Healthy Eating Guide

... and Beans

Last Updated October 16, 2019
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Cranberry beans, also known as borlotti
Cranberry beans, also known as borlotti

So many kinds grow here! Green beans, also known as snap beans or string beans, and pole beans. Shelling beans, like lima beans or cranberry beans, eaten for their seeds inside, fresh or dried. And don’t forget Southern peas!

Fresh beans and peas are grown at Grow2Heal. They’re an excellent source of protein, iron and other vitamins and minerals important to your health.

Shelling Beans

Dried beans
What are they? Beans picked from pods, which are not eaten, like chickpeas, fava beans, lima beans, black beans and cranberry beans. They...

Snap, Bush & Pole Beans

Assorted beans
What are they? Bush or snap beans grow on a bush. Pole beans grow on a trellis. They can be green or pale yellow (wax beans); long...

Southern Peas, Pigeon Peas

Pigeon peas
What are they? Southern peas include crowder, cream and black-eyed peas. What they taste like: Southern peas are creamy, meaty, earthy....