Healthy Eating Guide

Greens ...

Last Updated October 16, 2019
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Eating your greens tastes even better when they’re freshly harvested. And look at the variety we grow in South Florida.

Asian Greens

Bok choi
What are they? Tat soi, bok choi, hon tsai tai, pei tsai. What they taste like: Generally mild and slightly sweet greens, with a mild...

Micro Greens

Sunflower sprouts
What are they? Vegetables that are harvested shortly after sprouting. What they taste like: Mild or spicy, depending on what they are –...

Mixed Greens

Mixed greens
What are they? Salad mix or mesclun, a mixture of baby lettuces, edible leaves and sometimes herbs. What they taste like: Depends what they...

Mustard Greens

What are they? Spicy greens that range from green to purple to deep red, with smooth or frilly leaves. Japanese mustard is also known as...

Swiss Chard

Swiss chard
What is it? Rainbow chard or Swiss chard are green leafy vegetables with leaf stalks that can be white, red, yellow or red and white. What...