Healthy Eating Guide

Health-boosting Brassicas

Last Updated October 16, 2019
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Purple kohlrabi
Purple kohlrabi

Tasty cruciferous vegetables are nature’s powerhouses – they’re low in calories and high in antioxidants, vitamins and other nutrients.


Backyard broccoli
What is it? A vegetable with a large, flowering head and stalk, all edible. What it tastes like: To some, broccoli is bitter; to others, it...

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts
What is it? Miniature cabbages that grow on a stalk. What it tastes like: Like cabbage, but sweeter and, when young, tender. When you can...


Cabbage at the market
What is it? Like a big head of lettuce, cabbage comes in different colors and textures. Some types of cabbage have looser, wrinkly leaves,...


Purple cauliflower at the farmers market
What is it? A vegetable with an edible head, usually white, but sometimes orange, purple or green. Romanesco is a beautiful variation with...

Collard greens

What is it? Plants grown for their large, thick, leafy greens. What it tastes like: Slightly bitter, earthy and hearty, often cooked with...


What is it? A dark-green, leafy vegetable with large, wrinkly leaves. Different varieties include dinosaur kale, lacinato kale, red Russian...


What is it? An unusual-looking root vegetable with edible greens. It can be pale green or purple. What it tastes like: Mild, slightly sweet...


Radishes at the farmers market
What are they? Colorful root vegetables that can be round, cylindrical or long, like carrots. They can be white, pink, red, purple, yellow...


White and purple turnips
What are they? Root vegetables that can be white or purple, with edible greens. What they taste like: Mild to sharp depending on their...